City of West Sacramento
Home MenuA-Z Recycling
Please review the list below to find the right way to dispose of your item. If you cannot find what you are looking for, give us a call at 916-617-4590.
Aerosol Cans (empty) |
Recycle Cart (Green) |
Aerosol Cans (full) |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
See Household Hazardous Waste Hours for Landfill |
Aluminum Cans |
Recycle Cart (Green) |
Includes soda cans and metal food can, but cans must be clean and dry |
Antifreeze |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Must be in a closed and labelled container no greater than 5 gallons for pick-up. See Household Hazardous Waste drop-off hours for landfill |
Appliances |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, J&M Metal Recycling, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Asphalt |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Accepted at landfill at no cost. Concrete gravel, sand, moderate wire, rebate ok. Rebar may be encased in asphalt, but asphalt may not be encased in rebar. |
Batteries (household) |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, City Hall, Fire Station 45, Sacramento Battery |
Batteries (automotive) |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Retailers of lead-acid batteries are required to accept the old battery for recycling whenever selling a new battery |
Bottles and Cans |
Recycle Cart (Green), Recycle Centers Map |
Brake Fluid |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Must be in a closed and labelled container no greater than 5 gallons for pick-up. See Household Hazardous Waste drop-off hours for landfill. |
Building Materials |
Habitat For Humanity ReStore |
Accept donations of building materials and gently used home furniture and decor |
Cactus |
Trash Cart (Gray), Yolo County Central Landfill |
Car Seats |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Health Department |
Remove straps and padding, and write "unsafe" on the plastic portion of the seat |
Cardboard and Paper (clean) |
Recycle Cart (Green), International Paper |
Cardboard and Paper (food soiled) |
Organics Cart (Brown) |
Carpet |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Cell Phones |
City Hall, Cell Phone Carrier |
Call2Recycle box at City Hall (1st Floor), Contact your cell phone carrier to see if they will recycle your old phone |
Christmas Trees |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Clothes |
Goodwill, Salvation Army |
Concrete |
Ramcon Recycling, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Construction and Demolition |
Florin-Perkins Public Disposal, L&D Landfill, Sierra Waste, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Cooking Oil (solid) |
Trash Cart (Gray) |
Must be at room temperature and placed in a sealed container |
Cooking Oil (liquid) |
Public Works Corporation Yard, Yolo County Central Landfill |
See Household Hazardous Waste Hours for Landfill |
Cosmetics (hair treatments, coloring, permanents, aerosol spray, nail polish and remover) |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
See Household Hazardous Waste Hours for Landfill |
Creosote-treated Wood |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
See Household Hazardous Waste Hours for Landfill, limited acceptability for small lengths (5 feet or less) |
Deceased Animals |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Accepts small pets (bird, fish, rodent, reptile, cat, small dog) and animal parts that do not constitute a whole animal; spoiled food or by-products from butchering |
Dirt |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Dishwasher |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Dryer |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Electronics |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, Computers 4 Kids, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Computers, Monitors, TVs |
Explosives, Ammunition, Bullets, Airbags |
Office of Emergency Services |
Fertilizer |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Must be in a closed and labelled container no greater than 5 gallons for pick-up. See Household Hazardous Waste drop-off hours for landfill. |
Fertilizer (empty) |
Trash Cart (Gray) |
Rinse empty containers three times, pouring excess rinse on the treated area/plant. Place empty container in trash. |
Fire Extinguishers |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Fluorescent Light Bulbs |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Batteries Plus Bulbs, Ikea, Yolo County Central Landfill |
See Household Hazardous Waste Hours for Landfill, there is a fee for Batteries Plus Bulbs |
Food Waste |
Organics Cart (Brown) |
Freezers |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, J&M Metal Recycling, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Furnace |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Furniture |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, J&M Metal Recycling, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Only metal furniture for J&M Metal |
Gasoline |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
See Household Hazardous Waste Hours for Landfill |
Gravel |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Green Waste |
Organics Cart (Brown), Yolo County Central |
Palm fronds and cacti are not accepted and should be disposed of as trash. Branches should not exceed 3ft in length and 2 inches in diameter. |
Helium Tanks |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up |
Helium Tanks, even empty ones, are considered Hazardous Waste |
Herbicides |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Must be in a closed and labelled container no greater than 5 gallons for pick-up. See Household Hazardous Waste drop-off hours for landfill. |
Herbicides (empty) |
Trash Cart (Gray) |
Rinse empty containers three times, pouring excess rinse on the treated area/plant. Place empty container in trash. |
Household Hazardous Waste |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
See Household Hazardous Waste Hours for Landfill |
Household Hazardous Waste (seniors and disabled) |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Free pick-up and disposal for senior citizens and disabled residents who cannot drive, please call 916-617-4656 to schedule an appointment |
Hydraulic Fluid |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Must be in a closed and labelled container no greater than 5 gallons for pick-up. See Household Hazardous Waste drop-off hours for landfill. |
Infectious Waste |
Yolo County Environmental Health |
Ink and Toner |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill, Target |
See Household Hazardous Waste Hours for Landfill |
Insecticides |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Must be in a closed and labelled container no greater than 5 gallons for pick-up. See Household Hazardous Waste drop-off hours for landfill. |
Insecticides (empty) |
Trash Cart (Gray) |
Rinse empty containers three times, pouring excess rinse on the treated area/plant. Place empty container in trash. |
Kegs |
Recycled through distributor |
Lawn Mowers |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Fuel powered mowers must be drained of all oil and gasoline, electric mowers must have battery removed |
Liquid Waste |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Call to confirm acceptance |
Mattresses |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill, Ikea, DR3 |
Retailers are required to haul away the old mattress when delivering a new one |
Medications |
Police Department, Don't Rush to Flush, Yolo County Central Landfill, Walgreens, Safe Medication Return |
Safe Medication Return provides a state-wide drop-off disposal map |
Mercury Thermostats |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
See Household Hazardous Waste drop-off hours for landfill |
Metal (scrap metal) |
J&M Metal Recycling, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Small pieces of scrap metal under 20 pounds may be placed in your Recycle Bin (Green) |
Microwaves |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, J&M Metal Recycling, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Mixed Recyclable (clean paper and cardboard, and empty and clean plastic bottles, glass bottles and jars, aluminum cans, tin cans, and clean foil) |
Recycle Cart (Green) |
Put recyclables in your curbside bin loose. Please NO plastic bags, film plastics, plastic coated paper (milk cartons, to-go cups), food soiled paper such as used paper towels or napkins and greasy pizza boxes. Please empty containers before recycling. |
Motor Oil and Filters (used) |
Waste Management, AutoZone, O'Reilly Auto Parts |
Call Waste Management for used oil and filter pick-up |
Neon Bulbs / Lights |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Newspaper (clean and dry) |
Recycle Cart (Green) |
Newspaper (food-soiled) |
Organics Cart (Brown) |
Ovens |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, J&M Metal Recycling, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Paint (sealed and labeled) |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill, Vista Paint |
Must have original label, be sealed and paint must be oil, latex or acrylic |
Paint (unlabeled, unreadable, corroded) |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
See Household Hazardous Waste Hours for Landfill |
Paper and Cardboard (clean) |
Recycle Cart (Green) |
Paper, Cardboard (food soiled) and Shredded Paper |
Organics Cart (Brown) |
Pesticides |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Must be in a closed and labelled container no greater than 5 gallons for pick-up. See Household Hazardous Waste drop-off hours for landfill. |
Pesticides (empty) |
Trash Cart (Gray) |
Rinse empty containers three times, pouring excess rinse on the treated area/plant. Place empty container in trash. |
Plastic Bags (single use) |
Most West Sacramento Grocers |
Call before bringing bags |
Poisons |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
See Household Hazardous Waste Hours for Landfill |
Pool Chemicals |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
See Household Hazardous Waste Hours for Landfill |
Pressure-Treated Wood |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Propane Tanks |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Propane tanks, even empty ones, are considered Hazardous Waste |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Refrigerators |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, J&M Metal Recycling, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Roofing Tiles |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Insert-waste-rate for used and clean concrete and clay roof tile (no wood, tar paper or trash)Solid-waste-rate for new concrete and clay roof tile, or used tile that is mixed with wood, tar paper or trash |
Septic Waste |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Sharps |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill, Fire Station 45 |
See Household Hazardous Waste Hours for LandfillSeniors and disabled qualify for free pick-up from the Landfill |
Smoke Detectors (household) |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Residents encouraged to return to manufacturer for disposal; Landfill will accept |
Solar Panels |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
See Household Hazardous Waste Hours for Landfill |
Spray Paint |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Must be in a closed and labelled container no greater than 5 gallons for pick-up. See Household Hazardous Waste drop-off hours for landfill. |
Stumps |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Tree rounds greater than 12" diameter and 12" length |
Styrofoam |
Trash Cart (Gray), Yolo County Central Landfill |
Toilets and Sinks (porcelain) |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Limit 3 (concrete-rate for 4 or more) |
Tiles and Floor (ceramic, porcelain, stone) |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Tires |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Limit 9 without permit |
Washers |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, J&M Metal Recycling, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Water Heaters |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Water Softener |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Wood |
Yolo County Central Landfill |
Accepts lumber, pallets, crafting, fencing, trim blocks, plywood, particleboard, decking and other clean wood products |
Wood Stain |
Household Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, Yolo County Central Landfill |
Must be in a closed and labelled container no greater than 5 gallons for pick-up. See Household Hazardous Waste drop-off hours for landfill. |
Bulky Waste Pick-Up
West Sacramento residents are now eligible for two bulky waste pick up appointments per year, between July 1 and June 30, for items too large to fit in a curbside cart. For more information or to schedule a bulky waste pick up, call Waste Management toll free at 866-844-1508. You can also visit Waste Management's West Sacramento page. If you have used your two bulky waste pick up appointments for the year and still have bulky items to dispose of, call Environmental Services at 916-617-4590 and request a landfill voucher. Some restrictions apply.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Service
- Residents are eligible for two special collection appointments of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) per year, between July 1 and June 30. Call Waste Management toll free at 800-449-7587 to schedule an appointment or visit them online at
- Residents may also use the HHW drop-off program at the Yolo County Landfill. More information found by visiting the Yolo County Household Hazardous Waste page. Seniors and Disabled residents who are unable to drive may also call for a free pick-up through the Yolo County program. Please call 916-617-4656 to schedule an appointment.
Autozone 1400 West Capitol Avenue, West Sacramento 916-372-6386
Batteries Plus Bulbs 759 Ikea Court, West Sacramento 916-737-5955
City Hall 1110 West Capitol Avenue, West Sacramento 916-617-4590 (Environmental Services)
Computers 4 Kids 2455 West Capitol Avenue 916-572-1152
Don't Rush to Flush Bin Locator
DR3 Mattress Recyclers 1233 Commerce Avenue, Woodland 530-665-6887
Fire Station 45 2040 Lake Washington Boulevard, West Sacramento 916-617-4600
Goodwill 3065 West Capitol, West Sacramento 916-374-0697
Habitat For Humanity ReStore 819 N 10th Street, Sacramento 916-440-1215 ext.117 habitatgreatersac.or/restore/restoredonate/ Accept new and gently used materials for building homes for low income families.
Home Depot 690 Riverpoint Court, West Sacramento 916-617-2128
Ikea 740 Ikea Court, West Sacramento 916-373-7660
International Paper 1714 Cebrian Street, West Sacramento 916-371-4634
J & M Metal Recycling 2205 Rice Avenue, West Sacramento 916-372-4223 (Note: does not accept any appliance that contains freon or other liquids)
L&D Landfill 8635 Fruitridge Road, Sacramento 916-737-8640 (Note: for jobsite debris hauling services use Atlas Disposal at 916-455-2800; to claim recycling credit according to CALGreen or local C&D recycling ordinance, load tickets must be "Stamped as Sorted")
Lowes 2250 Lake Washington Boulevard 916-373-7660
Office of Emergency Services Yolo County 530-666-8920 Yolo County OES
O'Reilly Auto Parts 709 Jefferson Boulevard, West Sacramento 916-372-1411
Police Department 550 Jefferson Boulevard, West Sacramento 916-617-4900
Public Works Corporation Yard 1951 South River Road, West Sacramento 916-617-4850 (Note: fats, oils and grease drop-off available Monday-Friday 8:00am-3:30pm)
Ramcon Recycling 2905 Industrial Boulevard, West Sacramento 916-372-7535 (Note: Accepting clean concrete and asphalt at no cost. Call for more information)
Recycle City 3348 Jefferson Boulevard 916-617-2007 (Note: by appointment only)
Sacramento Battery 3616 West Capitol Avenue, West Sacramento 916-372-5580
Safe Medication Return
Salvation Army Locations in Sacramento 800-SA-TRUCK (800-728-7825)
Sierra Waste 8260 Berry Avenue, Sacramento 916-388-8320 (Note: for jobsite debris hauling service use Advance Disposal at 916-444-8676)
Target 2005 Town Center Plaza, West Sacramento 916-384-0977
Vista Paint 831 Harbor Boulevard 916-250-0793
Walgreens 1351 West Capitol Avenue, West Sacramento 916-371-3801
Waste Management Various Locations 866-844-1508
Yolo County Central Landfill 44090 County Road 28H, Woodland 916-617-4656 Hours Monday through Saturday 6:30am-4:00pm, Sundays 8:00am-4:00pm (Household Hazardous Waste Hours: Thursday through Saturday 7:30am-3:30pm)
Yolo County Environmental Health Yolo County Yolo County Environmental Health
Yolo County Health Department 500 Jefferson Boulevard #A, West Sacramento; 137 North Cotton Wood Street, Woodland; or 2727 2nd Street, Davis 530-406-4410 (Note: please remove straps and padding and write unsafe on the plastic portion of the seat)
Can't find the information you are looking for? Call the City at 916- 617-4590 with your refuse and recycling questions.